Are you eager to know the current exchange rate of Aboki Dollar to Naira in the black market today? search no further!
In this article, we’ll provide you with the latest updates on the exchange rate for Aboki Dollar to naira transactions ensuring you stay informed and make well-informed decisions regarding your currency exchange needs.
What is the Dollar To Naira Black Market Exchange Rate for Today?
According to dealers in Zone 4, Wuse Abuja, which happens to be one of the leading BDC Centers in Nigeria, the Dollar was bought at ₦1600 and sold at ₦1610 today.
Dollar To Naira CBN Rate Today
As of today, February 28, 2024, the Central Bank of Nigeria sells at ₦
and buys at ₦ .
How Much Is Aboki Dollar to Naira Today Black Market (February 28, 2024)?