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Nigeria Governors Forum Officials Embroiled In Massive Fraud Allegations

Nigeria Governors Forum Officials Embroiled In Massive Fraud Allegations

In a leaked letter, it has been revealed that top officials of the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) Secretariat in Abuja are facing allegations of financial fraud and recklessness. The letter, purportedly written by an insider named Barkindo, accuses the NGF of being more transactional than developmental, describing it as a conduit pipe for a few individuals rather than an agent of change.

Barkindo is calling for a forensic audit of all NGF accounts, including those opened during crisis periods, and expresses concern that the NGF accounts have not been audited for over a decade. He alleges that a few individuals have turned the Forum and its finances into their personal fiefdom.

According to the leaked letter, the NGF Secretariat’s accounts have not been audited for at least a decade, and even the auditors involved have reportedly confessed to the questionable nature of the auditing process. Barkindo raises questions about the lack of a qualified accountant in an institution involved in significant monetary deals.

The letter further highlights instances of financial discrepancies, including the alleged deliberate ploy to create conflicts among governors regarding the N630 million deductions from the N5 billion infrastructure support fund. It suggests that the NGF Secretariat did not adequately brief the chairman, and there were instructions to set booby traps and obstacles in the chairman’s path.

Barkindo also sheds light on the Paris-London Club transaction, stating that the NGF made close to N19 billion, out of which N850 million was meant to be a reward for NGF staff. The letter concludes with a call for a comprehensive forensic audit of all NGF accounts to address the alleged financial irregularities.

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